All Stars 2025 Nomination Form

It's no secret that the greatest recognition comes from a peer. IHFRA All-Star's is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions and achievements of individuals within IHFRA. Here's your chance to recognize the outstanding work ethic, behaviors and attitudes of the IHFRA community!

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

IHFRA’s Ambassador award will be presented to the rep that you perceive as being the best and most effective ambassador for IHFRA.

IHFRA’s Mentor award will be given to the rep that you believe has done the best job mentoring other IHFRA reps.

IHFRA's Trailblazer award will be given to the rep that you believe has done the best job maximizing new sales opportunities.

IHFRA's Innovator award will be given to the rep that you believe has overcome sales obstacles with innovative solutions.